Name Changes and Deed Polls

I get one or two queries for assistance with Changes of Name by Deed Poll every month. The process doesn't actually need the involvement of a notary so I've always passed on the inquiries. That said, I have helped a few friends who have gone through the process and it seems overall like there's a number of difficulties and pitfalls. And yet it ought to be fairly straightforward. 

The Problems

There are online services that will generate a MS Word document for €80 but it seems to me like that's not really where the problems lie and that's just money for old rope. The same documents are available for download from the Courts Service so if you're happy to DIY that's where you should go straight away. The problems as I see them are:

1. The core paperwork itself is a bit confusing (deed poll, affidavit of attesting witness and application to enrol).

2. There is a need to get various supporting documents certified (and formalities attached to that) and an affidavit of attesting witness sworn. There is confusion as to whether the applicant and the witness both need to be present in person at the same time.

3. If you want to enrol or register your deed poll with the Courts Service (which most people do) the process of paying the fees and making the application is complicated, opaque and time-consuming (it certainly can't be done online).

I felt I could offer a better service overall at a price point that makes sense in terms of the quality of service Dublin 2 Notary offers to all its clients. Here's what I have in mind.

The Solution

First clients go online to a form which guides them through process of compiling the necessary documents, prompts them for all the necessary information and answers the type of finicky questions that often arise. 

Next clients make an appointment to see us at Dublin 2 Notary at a mutually convenient time and bring along their attesting witness and all relevant original documents (birth certificate, birth certificate translation (if applicable), photo ID (passport, driving licence, age card or naturalisation document). 

Third, at the appointment all documents are reviewed, finalised, signed and sworn. We take payment and the intending applicant is provided with a notarised original of their deed poll as well as PDFs of their deed poll and the affidavit of attesting witness (which will be used to enrol and register with the Courts Service).

The beauty of getting the notarised deed poll (in addition to the one that will be filed with the Courts Service along with the affidavit of attesting witness as part of enrolment) is that the notarised document can be apostilled (by the Department of Foreign Affairs) and may be accepted at face value on its own in a number of jurisdictions and circumstances.

Fourth, Dublin 2 Notary make the application for enrolment on behalf of the client by registered post, handling all necessary logistics and registration formalities. 

How much?

I reckon we can consistently provide this service at the highest level of quality for €449 (including all stamp duty and handling fees) but for the first five clients who are willing to help me test and improve the process I'm going to offer a 50% discount and deliver the service for €225.

Who is it for?

For the moment this service is only for (a) adults aged 18 or over, (b) Irish residents (this is a requirement of the Courts Service because a deed poll should be filed in the country in which you normally reside), and (c) Irish, EU or UK nationals (non-EU nationals have an extra step which I can't yet accommodate). If you don't meet these criteria but are having problems please email

What next?

If you meet the criteria, if you need to change your name and if you're willing to help me to develop and streamline this process, just email for more information or click below to get started.

Click here to start preparing your Change of Name by Deed Poll documentation
You will need the exact spelling of your old name (per your birth certificate or other prior ID) and new name (with all spacing and hyphenation correct) and you will also need the details (number, issue date, country of issue) of your and your attesting witness' Government ID (passport or driving licence)